Our Impact
Click through to view our 2023 Impact Report below.
Does it really matter where you bank?
We believe it does. Choosing to bank locally means the money you deposit at First Southwest Bank, a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), is reinvested into your community via loans and nonprofit sponsorships.
This allows the owner of your favorite feed store, food truck, coffee shop or other small business to expand, hire local talent, and truly make your community a more special place. It also means a greater investment in local nonprofit organizations, enhancing the quality of life in our region.

We are deeply rooted in southern Colorado, having served the region for more than 100 years. Let us help you reach your financial goals and together we will make our communities more resilient, healthy and vibrant places to live.
Resilient Communities
We aim to preserve our community by providing loans to finance various types of home ownership. In 2022, we partnered with various developers and housing organizations, including Rural Homes LLC, Elevation Community Land Trust, and the Impact Development Fund, to provide low-cost, fixed-rate mortgages for teachers in Norwood and financing to help long-time Durango and Alamosa residents purchase their mobile home parks.
Vibrant Communities
We strive to strengthen our community by providing financial resources to build and enhance neighborhood schools. In 2013, Animas High School established its modular trailer facilities with First Southwest Bank support.
Healthy Communities
We care about community health. In 2022, FSWB helped St. Vincent’s hospital and the town of Leadville retain their only critical care access hospital and assisted Axis Health System in expanding access to integrated healthcare via clinic expansion in Cortez.
Sustainable Communities
We partner to create sustainable community outcomes by providing loans for energy efficiency and solar upgrades for homes and businesses. Since 2016, La Plata Electric Association customers have “paid as they save” with on-bill financing for energy efficiency and solar enhancements.
Local Contributions
As a certified CDFI, one of First Southwest Bank’s top priorities is supporting rural economic development and reinvesting in the communities we call home. We accomplish this through loans, donations, event sponsorships, and volunteerism.